10 Things You May Not Know About His Majesty The King 

His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck is the fifth king of Bhutan. Known for his humble personality, his approachability and his popularity, he is lovingly called the People’s King.

Source: Royal Central

Very few people know that His Majesty was born in Kathmandu, Nepal. He was born on February 21, 1980 to His Majesty the fourth king Jigme Singye Wangchuck and queen mother Ashi Tshering Yangdon.

Source: Town & Country Magazine

Another less known fact about His Majesty is that he is a passionate gardener, an avid photographer, and a patron of the arts. He frequently supports writers and artists and often invites them to his palace in Thimphu.

His Majesty studied in a public school in Thimphu. It was only after completing his high school that he went on to pursue his education in the USA and then graduated from Magdalen College in Oxford University. 

His Majesty loves biking and cycling during his free time. Commoners often catch a glimpse of him meandering the winding roads of the capital on his motorbike or cycle. Most times, they are in for a pleasant surprise when he stops to talk to them.

In 2008, at the age of 28, King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck became the youngest reigning monarch in the world when he took over the throne.

During the Coronavirus pandemic, His Majesty waived off interests on all loans for Bhutanese citizens. The banks are instead paid on account of the citizens through his personal funds. His Majesty also set up a monthly fund to help affected individuals from all walks of life during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Source: Daily Bhutan

His Majesty caused quite a sensation during his visit to Thailand in 2008, giving rise to a legion of female fans, that the Thai press dubbed him Prince Charming.

Caption: Royal Wedding held at Punakha Dzong on 13th October, 2011

On October 13, 2011, His Majesty the King married his sweetheart, a commoner, Queen Jetsun Pema in a traditional Bhutanese ceremony with dignitaries from all over the world in attendance. The Western press called the Royal couple the Will and Kate of the Himalayas. 

Every year since 2012, during the Paro Tshechu, the King has granted an audience to 12-year-old Kinley Gyaltshen, who is differently abled. His Majesty learnt that the boy had attended the tshechu, despite all the odds, just so he could be in the presence of the king. And, so, it has now become a yearly practice.