• Tour Type: adventure
  • Duration: 8 Nights/ 9 Day
  • Destination: Paro,Thimphu, Punakha, wangdue Phodrang, Trongsa and Bumthang

Orog Birding is one of the most highly regarded birding and nature tour companies in Bhutan. The packages provided are carefully researched and tested birding trips to chosen hot spots in Bhutan, dedicated to arranging hassle free birding holidays.

Through exceptional experiences, we strive to share our knowledge and provide quality experiences that foster a deep respect for nature, inspire wildlife conservation, and enrich and renew lives through shared exploration.

We offer you birding tours with experienced leaders that will cater to birders of all abilities. We would love to have you along

On the arrival at the Paro international airport,representative from Orog Travel will receive you with offering Kha-Dhar (traditional scarf) and transfer to hotel.
Your evening birding starts here, exploring Paro river bank specifically looking for Ibisbill, Brown Dipper and Wallcreeper. While looking for above mentioned targeted species, you will also have good catch of other commoner species. To mention few, River Lapwing, Olive-backed Pipit, White-capped and Plumbeous Water Redstart, White Wagtail, Rufous-breasted Accentor, Greenand and Common Sandpiper and etc.

Overnight: Paro

Early morning drive to chelela, 1hr drive (approx. 4000masl) highest motor road entrance birding sites. Today's targeted species will be Pheasants and other high altitude birds. While starting from the base, you will be amaze by frequent sighting of Kalij Pheasants. Later at mid way point to the pass, you will be entering into the Satyr Tragopan's habitat and finally youwill see Blood Pheasant and Himalyan Monals within the vicinity of pass.
Other species on the way and around the pass includes Spotted, Black-faced and Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrushes, Varieties of Tits, Collared and White-winged Grosbeak, Spotted Nutcracker, Green-tailed and MrsGould's Sunbirds, Red-headed Bullfinch, White-browed, Dark-rumped and Dark-breasted Rosefinch, Rufous-bellied Woodpecker, Hodgson's Treecreeper, Magpie, Fulvettas, Yuhinas and other alpine specialist species. After birding at pass, you will head back towards capital city of Bhutan, Thimphu. Our final stop for the day Will be next to Thimphu city, sewage pond area for Solitary Snipe and Black tailed Crake, Ibisbill and Wallcreeper incase if you missed at Paro

Overnight: Thimphu.

Early morning drive towards Dochula then to Punakha. Around the Dochula pass you look for Fire-tailed Myzornis,Finches, Yuhina and other alpine birds. Later while descending, we will explore Royal Botanical Park. The park is also a popular bird watching area and around 220 plus avifauna species have been identified. Some of the species reported are Ward’s Trogon, Yellow-rumped Honeyguide, Blue fronted Robin, Brown, Black-throatedand GreatParrotbill, Golden-breasted Fulvetta, Minlas, Flycatchers, Laughingthrushes, warblers and many more..This park has also frequent sighting of an elusive rare Red Panda, if you are lucky enough. Evening drive along Po Chhu River for critically endangered White-bellied Heron.

Overnight: Punakha.

Early morning drive to Phobjikha Valley, (3 hrs) along the warm and cool broad leaf forest. You will make several stop on the way as you are inside the different vegetation. In Nobding region you will be searching for Rare Ward’s Trogon and other sighting includes Yellow-rumped Honeyguide, Himalyan Cutia, Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch, Hoary-throated Barwing, Blyth's Shrike-Babbler, Bhutan and Rufous-chinned laughingthrush, Himalayan Bluetail, Grey-bellied Tesia, Rufous-capped and Golden Babbler and others..
Before reaching Pelela pass we’ll take the road to Phobjekha valley, crossing Lawala pass the vegetation changes into dwarf bamboo, here you’ll searching for the species like Spotted, Chestnut-crowned and Black-facedLaughingthrushes, Spotted Nutcracker, Great and Brown Parrotbills, OrientalSkylark, White-browed Shortwing, Yellow-billed Blue Magpie, Chestnut-headed Tesia, Red-billed Chough, Large-billed and Whistler’s Warbler and Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler.

Overnight: Phobjikha

After early breakfast, we’ll drive to the Pelela pass (3400masl) and spend the morning hours birding along the old road especially for Satyr Trogopan and other high altitude species like Spotted Laughingthrush, Himalayan Griffon, Great and Brown Parrotbill, Plain Mountain Finch, White- winged and collared Grosbeak, Spotted Nutcracker, Slaty-blue, and Dark-sided Flycatcher, Grey-sided Bush Warbler and varieties of Tits, Some of the key birds you’ll looking here include Himalayan Monal, Dark-rumped Rosefinch, Fire-tailed and Green-tailed Sunbird.
While driving to Bumthang you will also be looking for the species like Speckled WoodPigeon, Ultramarine Flycatcher, Golden-breasted and White-browed and Rufous-winged Fulvetta, Streak-breasted and Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler. Black-winged Cuckoo Shrike, Nepal House Martin,White-throated Needletail, Black Eagle and many more..
Apart from many common species, at yontongla passes you will search for Great and Fulvous parotbill then descend to Bumthang Valley.

Overnight: Bumthang

Early morning drive to Phrumsengla National Park. This Park has been the prime habitat for pheasants. Here you should look for another subspecies of blood Pheasant, one with more reddish streaking on the breast. While returning back visit Tharpaling Monastery for Himalayan Monal and other alpine birds.

Overnight: Bumthang

Morning drive back to Tharpaling monastery road, before monastery while driving along pristine Bluepine forests you may see satyr Tragopan. Later at monastery we can see co-operative Himalayan Monal feeding nearby, Beautiful Rosefinch, Snow Pigeon, Eurasian Magpie and other commoners.
After a final morning birding in this wonderful habitat with Pheasants, you’ll retrace our way back to Punakha. You will make several stops on a way looking for missed species and revisit Pelela pass for evening birding looking for missed species earlier.

Overnight: Punakha

Morning birding to north of Punakha, inside Jigme Dorji National Park. Here your top target species will be Spotted Elachura and other species includes Yellow-vented Warbler, Wren Babblers, Tesias, Barbets and varieties of woodpecker and Red-headed Trogon.
Drive back to Paro making several stop on a way tracing earlier missed species.

Overnight: Paro

The time has come to say good bye, Thanks for marvelous birding with Orog Travel. Visit us AGAIN.