
Hailed as the longest suspension bridge in Bhutan, the Pho Chu Suspension Bridge is such a spectacular construction connecting the mainland to the villages spread in the grand valley of Pho Chu Valley and the hilly ranges of land across the Punakha Dzong. The bridge is situated at a thrilling height above the fast-paced Pho Chu River.

It is an awe-inspiring view of the impressive stretches of the authentic rural splendor of Bhutan’s landscape. It is no exaggeration that, the Phochu Suspension Bridge is a masterpiece of engineering work dating back to the era of Zhabdrung Ngwang Namgyal in 1637. It is a significant piece of engineering in the history of Punakha’s glory as the ancient capital city of Bhutan.

Apart from the incredible views of the beatific valleys and the idyllic villages from the Pho Chu Suspension Bridge, its stretch of 160 meters over the Pho Chu River is incredible. The majestic standing, durability, and resistant to wear seals its place as a story of triumph in ancient construction work. The contrast of the steel bridge above the Pho Chu River and the greenery in the surroundings is a bold complement to the natural beauty of Punakha.