Monasteries the word over have a long tradition of hospitality. Since time immemorial, weary travelers have found them to be places of solace and safety. This tradition is now dying out. 

Picture Courtesy: Unma Desai

Indeed, very few people realize that in our frantic lives, monasteries offer much needed respite from the daily grind we subject ourselves to. That is why we, at Orog Travel, can arrange for you to spend a night or a few days in a monastery in Bhutan. 

It might be far from the luxurious setting that you’re used to but it will be quite an experience, of that you can be sure. You can interact with the monks, experience firsthand their daily routine, partake in the chores, attend classes, prepare and share meals together, and seek blessings from the abbot. Those interested can get in touch with our team and we will make the arrangements. However, please note that most monasteries in Bhutan can only be reached after a short hike ranging anywhere between 45 minutes to three hours.