Ugyen Tshering
Rafting and Kayaking
Ugyen Tshering is a trailblazer when it comes to water sports like rafting and kayaking in Bhutan. And alongside his obvious passion for the extreme sports, he is an avid swimmer and fisherman. Such is his knowledge of the rivers in Bhutan that he doubles up as a professional river guide in some of the most scenic and fast flowing rivers of the country.
It is not just the high-risk aspect of kayaking, rafting and fishing in which Ugyen has excelled. He holds an advanced level instructor status in all disciplines of the extreme water sports, including life saving. Ugyen also has a keen interest in the safety aspect of kayaking and rafting and is a much sought-after expert by locals and tourists alike. He is an intrinsic member of Orog Travel and leads exclusive rafting, kayaking, fishing and river expeditions for the company.