• Tour Type: adventure
  • Duration: 13 days/ 12 nights
  • Destination: Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang (Gangtey), Punakha, Bumthang, Trongsa and Paro.

Experience the Tour of the Dragon on a 13-day Bhutan Mountain biking tour with our expert tour leaders.  This tour includes cycling with sightseeing of the major sights of Western and Central Bhutan. Follow the West-East highway from Paro to Bumthang cycling between three to five hours a day including vehicle transport during the less interesting sections of the tour.

A fully supported team will always guide the tour providing impromptu breaks for individuals and pick up where necessary. Most of the cycling section consists of small and bumpy road but will also contain off-road cycling on farm tracks. This is a challenging tour for fit and experienced mountain-biking enthusiasts providing a unique riding experience across the kingdom

Altitude in Paro: 2,280m

Onboard the aircraft, the flight is treated to spectacular views of snow peaked mountains and the Himalayan ranges. Paro airport (2,280m) is Bhutan’s only international airport where our dedicated team will receive you at the airport.
Transfer to hotel and relax before lunch. Spend the afternoon fitting your bikes and, if time permits, set out on a trial run. Dinner at the hotel and a trip briefing by your tour leader.

Altitude in Punakha: 1,300m
Distance: 100km
Estimated travel time: 7 hours

Set out for Punakha. Travel the first 50kms on before starting the uphill ascent towards the Dochula Pass. A 17km climb up to the 3000m Dochula Pass where we will stop for a view of the distant Himalayas and lunch. The descent to Lobesa is mainly though pine, oak and rhododendron forests and lasts for 38 kms. The final 8km stretch into Punakha, passes gently terraced rice-fields and skirts a large river.
Dochula Pass (3,050m)- Panoramic view of the Himalayan mountains. The pass is a popular location among tourists as it offers a stunning 360 degree panoramic view of the Himalayan mountain range. The view is especially scenic on clear, winter days with snowcapped mountains forming a majestic backdrop to the tranquility of the 108 chortens gracing the mountain pass.

Punakha Dzong (Palace of Great Happiness)- Built-in 1637, it is said to be the most spectacular dzong in Bhutan. Punakha Dzong was built at the confluence of two major rivers in Bhutan, the Pho Chhu and Mo Chhu, which converge in this valley.
In addition to its structural beauty, until the mid-1950s, it still served as Bhutan’s capital and the seat of the government. All of Bhutan’s kings have been crowned here, and it has witnessed the memorable wedding of the King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck to Jetsun Pema in 2011.
Chimi Lhakhang- Hike to the Temple of Fertility (altitude: 1,500m). An enjoyable hike, taking about 30 minutes through the rice and mustard fields and the uniquely decorated houses of Lobasa Village.

Altitude in Phobjikha: 2900m
Distance: 75km (uphill 55km)
Estimated travel time: 5-6 hours

Set out from Punakha for another uphill cycle towards Gangtey, situated in the Phobjikha valley at an altitude of 2,900m. This leg of the trip will take approximately 5 – 6 hours and will cover a total of 75kms, most of it uphill. The support vehicle will always be available and nearby with the leader advising the pace and the best sections to cover by bus. Once Lawala Pass has been passed into Gangtey valley at 3,200m. cycling is all downhill through dwarf bamboo forests past a few heard of yaks and into the beautiful glacial valley.

Altitude in Trongsa: 2,216m
Distance: 83km
Estimated travel time: 5-6hrs

Visit some of the sights of the Phobjikha valley, including Gangtey Monastery and the Black-necked Crane center before setting out uphill for the first 10km towards the pass and then downhill for approximately 18km towards lunch stop and a visit to the Chendibji stupa. In the afternoon, a gradual, winding ride all the way to Trongsa along roads that cut through the steep-sided Black Mountains.

Gangtey Goemba or ‘Gangtey monastery’- The only Nyingmapa monastery in this region, sitting on the crest of a hill on top of Gangtey valley. The monastery was built in 1613 following the prophecy of Pema Lingpa – the famous 15th-century treasure finder.

Black-necked Crane Visitor Centre- The center focuses on sustainable ecotourism activities, environmental education, and conservation programs in Phobjikha valley. The building’s location allows people to overlook the wetlands, which is the Black-necked crane’s habitat.

Altitude in Bumthang: 2,800m
Distance: 80km
Estimated travel time: 5-6hrs
Visit the Trongsa Museum before setting out towards the Yotong-La pass. Start by driving for about an hour and a “self-challenge” ride to reach the highest pass on the tour at 3,400m. The pass may well be covered in mist. This is a difficult, long uphill climb for about 7 – 8 km however adjustments to the cycling time will be made based on fitness of group whilst having an all time access to the bus. A 12km downhill ride through all the way to Chummey for lunch. Pass an afternoon of gentle cycling, mainly downhill, with brief stops to see local women weavers and scenes of rural life. Cycling through a mini-pass of 2,900m known as Kiki-la and then descending down to Jakar Village in the Bumthang plateau.

Altitude in Bumthang: 2,800m

Jambay Lhakhang- Belonging to the 108 temples built by the Tibetan King Songsten Gampo in the 7th century. It is believed that a supine demoness was causing obstruction to the spread of Buddhism, and the temples were constructed on her body parts that spread across Tibet, Bhutan and the borderlands.

Kurjey Lhakhang- The large, active and important temple complex is named after the body (kur) print (jey) of Guru Rinpoche, which is preserved in a cave inside the oldest of the three buildings that make up the complex.The first temple, also the most sacred one, was erected in 1652 and is where the body print of Guru Rinpoche is protected. The second one was constructed by Ugyen Wangchuck, the first king of Bhutan, and the third temple was established by Ashi Kesang Wangchuck, queen to the third king, in 1984.

Kurjey Drupchu- located next to the Kurjey temple, the holy water believed to be blessed by Guru Rinpoche can be found.

Tamshing monastery (Temple of the Good Message)- Established in 1501 by Pema Lingpa, it is the most important Nyingma Goemba in Bhutan. An option to walk from Kurjey Lhakang is also possible taking around one hour.

Bathpalathang- Visit the Red Panda Brewery. First established beer brewery in Bhutan founded by a Swiss national. Observe the process beer production and taste freshly brewed beer and cheese.

Altitude: 2,800m

Start out early on a 36km ride to Tang Ogyen Choling village and farmhouse. The trail follows a rough farm-road for almost the whole way, taking around 3 – 4 hours to reach the village and the newly-built traditional-style farmhouse where a night halt is planned. After a typical Bumthang lunch, spend the afternoon learning how to make some traditional Bhutanese dishes and even learn how to distill Bhutanese “ara”. Spend the evening relaxing deep in the Bhutanese countryside.

Altitude in Bumthang: 2,800m

An option to cycle or take the bus, returning the same route.
In the afternoon, cycle 9km uphill towards Kiki-La pass and continue on a gentle incline to Chumey village and an overnight stay at Chumey Nature Resort.

Altitude: 1,200 – 3,400m
Distance: 80km
Estimated travel time: 5-6hrs

Start at around 06:30 today and drive to Chendibji Chorten, via Trongsa. This journey will take about 4 hours. A “self-challenge” 19km uphill cycle for about 2 hours until lunch stop just below Pele-La pass. After lunch cycle the final 8km up to the pass. After which a 50km descend downhill all the way to Wangdi.

Altitude: 2,320m

The circuit returns to Dochula Pass after a 10km downhill cycle followed by a 28km uphill climb. Lunch will be served at Menchuna, the halfway point on the hill towards the pass. Next a 16km climb to the pass just in time for a nice tea break with great views of the Himalayan peaks. Following this a 21km downhill ride to the capital city Thimphu.

Altitude: 2,320m

Buddha Point (Buddha Dordenma) - At a height of 51,5m, placed on top of a hill in Kuenselphodrang Nature Park, the sight of the enormous statue of Shakyamuni Buddha is stunning and unforgettable. This giant statue is one of the largest in the world and is said to emanate an aura of peace and happiness.

Folk Heritage Museum- get an insight into rural Bhutanese life and art.

National Textile MuseumThe heritage museum replicates a rural house in the mid-19th century, using rammed mud timber, presenting objects like the leopard-skin bags and Brokpa yak-hair ‘spider’ hats. The art of Thagzo (weaving) with different styles and on a variety of materials will also be presented.

National Institute for Zorig Chusum (The Arts and Crafts School or Painting school)- The students here are enrolled in a different course that teaches the 13 traditional arts of Bhutan.

Tashicho Dzong (Fortress of The Glorious Religion)- Tashichho Dzong has been the seat of the Bhutan government since 1952. Through the years, the dzong has gone through expansions and renovation and presently houses the throne room and offices of the king, the secretariat and the ministries of home affairs and finance. Other government departments are housed in buildings nearby.

Exploring the nooks and crannies of Thimphu city. Walk the streets of the capital, live the commotion, and experience the nightlife with good food and music

Altitude in Paro: 2,280m
Altitude in Thimphu: 2,320m

Taktsang Monastery, or the Tiger’s Nest (highest altitude: 3,120m)- A 4.5 km hike that will typically take 5-6 hours ascending around 600m to reach the destination. An experience through dense enchanted forests and spectacular mountain scenery along the trail.

A stroll through Paro town.